Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dexter is 10 Weeks Old!!!

Dexter is 10 weeks old!!!
Dex has come so far from last week. We are working towards our "100 people to meet weekly" goal. I think we've surpassed it each week. He is great with dogs, cats, kids, people of all sizes, shapes, and colors. He officially knows how to sit and lay down on command (unless extremely excited or hungry, then the lay down command is worthless). His sleeping habits have become phenomenal! He sleeps all the way through the night, no accidents, and pee's for about a minute and a half... so long that his little legs start shaking from squatting for so long! He also sleeps in some pretty adorable positions during his daytime naps!
Squished face during a daytime drive

Hind legs up and ready to go

On the way to work with dad
We have our second vet visit tomorrow (Wednesday), we'll see how she thinks we're doing. We just signed up for our puppy 1 class with Perfect Puppy Academy which is every Tuesday from 10/26/10-11/30/10!! We are very excited for the socialization and learning process to really begin!

Over the past week Dex has experienced his first bath, a road trip, loud fire engines in close proximity, and another puppy friend who LOVED to play with him!! He enjoyed everything new this week except for Patrick scaring the hiccups out of him... which actually worked, however a bit scary for such a small (yet rapidly growing) puppy!
After his first bath... sitting patiently to be allowed out of the tub!
In a good "Lay Down" position

I'm sitting, can I have my treat now?

Dexter's 10 week old weight: 26.6 pounds!!!
Until next week... and another 5 lbs....

1 comment:

  1. He looks twice as big as the last time I saw him and as beautiful as his family! Nahnee
